Webinar | Talent analytics maturity for the age of Big Data and AI

HireVue Webinars

Just 33% of companies use talent analytics in their recruitment decisions.

That leaves a vast majority of HR teams relying on reactive decision-making – an old school approach that does not produce results. ​

Don’t be THAT HR team, when you can more reliably and more quickly identify and hire best-fit candidates with advanced candidate selection science and high-quality, integrated data. ​

Join us for an eye-opening webinar “Talent Analytics Maturity for the Age of Big Data and AI,” where we’ll:​

  • Showcase a new model of Talent Analytics Maturity ​
  • Offer an approach to talent management grounded in data and designed to guide your organization toward more effective use of science-based HR technologies. ​
  • Demonstrate how data-smart organizations use Modern Hire’s (now part of HireVue) intelligent hiring platform to gain distinct competitive advantages in hiring and talent management. ​

If your goal is to improve the use of your talent analytics for better hiring, take the first simple step and join us for our webinar.

Modern Hire (now part of HireVue) helps recruiting teams quickly and expertly hire qualified candidates by understanding how to evaluate for core competencies that translate into job fit and success. Learn how, with Modern Hire (now part of HireVue), you can hire your most engaged, diverse, and productive workforce ever.